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[[?]] Sub-District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala., March 28, 1867.

General Orders No. 1.
I. By direction of General Grant, all State and local elections in this State are disallowed, pending the arrival of the District Commander appointed for this District, and his order in the premises.
II. In default of certain information that municipal or other corporate elections have not occured since the passage of "An Act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States," all persons chosen to public office during this month will report the fact by letter to these Headquarters, for the action of the District commander.
WAGER SWAYNE, Major General.
J.F. Conyngham,
1st Lieut. 24th U.S. Infantry,
Acting Assistant Adjutant General

Montgomery, Ala., April 2, 1867
General Orders, No. 1.
By direction of General POPE, the undersigned is charged with the administration of the Military Reconstruction bill in this State.
The principles which will control its execution have already been announced.
A literal compliance with the requirements of the Civil Rights bill will be exacted.
All payments on account of services rendered during the war to the pretended State organization, or any of its branches, are peremptorily forbidden.
Major General.
J.F. Conyngham, 1st Lieut. 24th U.S. Infantry,
Acting Assistant Adjutant Gen.

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed text is from what appears to be a news article that is stapled to, and partially obscuring, a handwritten note that may be an invoice of some sort. I did NOT transcribe the partially obscured, handwritten note. Note has [[stamp]] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [[stamp]] on its face. Perhaps the Note is requesting payment that has been forbidden by the General Order described in the attached news article.