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approved by him. Then follows the Special Order within referred to. Estimates were thereupon made out to cover the needed expenditures under this order, and these came back disapproved, being too large. The order, however, gives margin for even greater expenditures, as everything is then left to the discretion of the officer charged with the repairs, and it was therefore considered that this disapproval virtually annulled it.
Next comes an endorsement signed by the A.A.A.G. Dist of Ala in a communication from Dr Gray sent to Head Quarters directing compliance with the above mentioned Special Order. Supposing the facts still not to be distinctly understood, the paper was returned by Lieut Logan May 23rd, with an endorsement explaining his action, and asking further instructions. To this no answer has been received. 
It is designed that the Qr Mr at this point shall make the repairs, without estimates of expenditures necessary being approved as hitherto directed, an