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Perry Maura, Saml Maura, David Saunders, John Johnson, Thos. Barge, Fayette Travick & Augustus Yeldell took him about a half mile from the house of Wm. Travick, and then gave him five hundred lashes or blows with a strap, whip and paddle. He was held down by a rail on his head and on his feet, two men sitting on each rail. As many a could get at him where whipping him at the same time. All the colored people of the family were marched out to witness the whipping, and were then sent away. [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] A brother of Nathan was holding the horses of some of the party. They told him to tie the horses and leave. Before he got away, he heard them tell Nathan they were going to hang him. Nathan then begged them to allow him to pray, and to see his mother and children, but they swore he should do neither. They then tied his hands and hung him. The next day, Wash. Travick, the leader, took Daniel and James the father of the man hung, to where the body was. He made Daniel take him down, and compelled James, his father, to dig the grave and bury him. Nathan had been stripped naked for the whipping, and was buried so, without coffin or other covering. This was Wednesday, in the latter part of May.