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LaFayette Ala. Sept 19th, 1867
Gen Swayne,
Sir: - There is a colored woman who was formerly belonged to me as a slave now at my house in a condition requiring the attention of the Bureau. After the emancipation of the slaves she left me and went to Russell County in the State but having three small children to support she got nothing for her work, but victuals for herself and children about a month ago she returned to my house and last night she was confined and brought forth twins. In my impoverished condition I cannot feed & clothe her and her children without doing injustice to myself and family and for this reason I address you this communication in order to ask for information as to what is to be done in such cases. She and her children are nearly naked and winter is now near at hand and unless some aid be furnished she and the children most certainly suffer or probably perish. I dislike to say to her that she must leave and yet I am not able to feed & clothe her and the children without any remuneration. I respectfully call you attention to the case presented and hope you will give it that consideration which its necessities deserve. Hoping to hear from you at as early a period as may suit your convenience. I remain very respectfully your obt servt
Y. Q. Gresham