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Office Sheriff of Mobile Co
Mobile, Ala. Sept. 21, 1867

Your communication of the 20th of Sept, enclosing Governor's seven days Respite of the Dog River Convicts is just at hand. The Telegrams from General Swayne and Governor Patton were not received till nine o'cl a.m. yesterday.  To the General's I responded at once and as it was then within an hours time of the arrival of the Montgomery Mail, I waited, thinking I could telegraph the arrival of the Reprieve, but as it did not come, I telegraphed that the dispatch had been received and would be obeyed.

Very Respectfully
A.M. Granger
Sheriff M C
Colonel O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Commr B. of R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery, Ala