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Office Sub. Asst. Com. B.R.F & A.L.
Sub. District of Mobile
Mobile. Ala. Sept 21st 1867.

Com. Geo W. Bond., J. McGeo & others
Court of County Commissioners
Mobile County, Ala. 

I have the honor to request your early and favorable consideration of the proposal to transfer to your charge, on or before the first proximo, the Dog River Colony and Hospital of the Bureau.
In a letter of instructions to me on this subject - the Brevet Major General Commanding the District states as follows:-
"I wish you to put yourself immediately in communication with the authorities of Mobile County touching the persons now cared for by the Bureau at Dog River Colony.  You will represent to them the probability that the day of the compulsory closing of your institution is not distant, and that the persons will not be permitted to remain uncared for; and, as an inducement to immediate action, you are authorized to tender in that case a transfer, without change, of the existing institution (all our right in it) with all its supplies and a continuance of rations until November first."
It remains only for me to submit for your in-