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orders, which I have been obliged to give, in different parts of the country, for institutions of a general character, for the benefit of the freedmen.

As to the Refugees and Freedmen's Fund, you do not seem to know that Congress has appropriated that fund to institutions of learning already incorporated. I have accounted to the Treasury for every cent of it, and this is the way I am directed to expend it. But as you alone were paying teachers, I concluded to strain a point and allow you to do so; and if, as your letter suggests, it is better for you to receive your proportion in that way, please send up a detailed estimate of the amount that would be required to supply teachers until the State shall assume them; as you say, January next.

You have already used from the Refugees and Freedmen's Fund, if I reckon rightly, a larger proportion of it, than any other Assistant Commissioner. It seems to me far better to get from the American Missionary Association, the Freedmen's Aid Commission, from the different churches, and from the freedmen themselves, the teachers required for the schools, after your vacation, till the 1st of January, and let the State assume their charge