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Camden 30th July 1867
Lt. Geo. Shorkley
Sub. Asst. Commr, 
In reference to the disturbance of laborers on the plantation of Alr. E. S. Lavender and Mr Kilgore, referred to me for investigation by yours of 23d May last, I have the honor to report that, upon receiving your letter, I at once, made enquiry Whether Ben Williams, Eliza, his wife, and Henson (Henderson) was detained by Alr. G.W. Chambers of anyone else, and found that Ben and Eliza were at liberty, having with them their personal effects, that Henderson is a Small boy, about eight years old and is at Alr. G.W. Chambers, at the request of the child's father, who is living there, or was living there at the time of my investigations Having satisfied myself that the freedmen were not deprived of their liberty. I next investigated into the conduct of Robert Chambers, Ephraim Chambers, William Robertson, and Abram Hall, charged with interferring with the freedmen, and, from two warrants of arrest now before me, and from the best information I can obtain, the following are the facts.