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Statement of Ceasor Holmes (Colord.)

States that Tom Gilmore (Colord) was at work on the Plantation of James Collins about twelve (12) miles from Mount Merge, Ala. that about five weeks ago he (Ceasor Holmes) was passing the plantation he stopped, and on going to the house he (Ceasor) met Tom Gilmore, at the door. and said to how are you Tom I heard you was shot, how is it.

He (Tom) said that himself and a colored woman by the name of Mary Ann Jones got to quarreling and Mr. Johnson the Superintendent of the place hearing their talk ordered him (Tom) to leave the place and as he (Tom) went into the house to get his things, Johnson followed him, and came in the house with a Gun in his hand Tom said to him (Johnson) don't shoot me. at that he (Johnson) mad an attempt to shoot him (Tom) and as he (Johnson) did so he (Tom) caught the gun at that Johnson took a Knife from is pocket and cut him (Tom) across the Wrist and as he (Tom) failed to let go of the gun he (Johnson) Stabbed him (Tom) in the Shoulder. he (Tom) then let go of the gun, and run and as he (Tom) run, Johnson shot at him, (Tom) the Shot hitting him (Tom) in the side he (Tom) then fell to the ground after running a few yards. he (Tom) then sent for a Dr. BAker to come and attend to his