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Kirksey executing to me an indemnifying bond , I procured on said 19th of Dec '66 to levy on said six bales of cotton, took the same info my possession, +, after advertising the time + place of sale as required by law, sold said Cotton at public sale the highest bidder for cash on the 14th. day of January 1867, at which sales said Kirksey bring the best + highest bidder, by came the purchaser of said cotton for the sum of $735.00, being the value of 2904 lbs. of cotton - the aggregate weight of said 6 bales - at 25 31 1/2/100 [[25 and 31 and one half over 100]]cents per lb: that after the levy of said executions on said cotton,    + before the sale, the cotton was claimed by one James M. Durham (who has recently died.) for Curran + Co of Mobile: that, according to my best information + belief, said 6 bales was handed to said ware-house + stored + receipted for in the name of said Durham; that on the day of sale, the sale of a mortgage made to him, before said levy, by said  Chiles + I am under the impression that the cotton was claimed + the sale for bid, on the day of sale, by some person for the freedmen employed by said Chiles as laborers in 1866. But having been indemnified I, notwithstanding these claims, sold the cotton under said executions, as required by law, + the proceeds have been applied towards the satisfaction of said executions. These are all the facts of the case of which I have any knowledge, officially + personally. If there was any cotton, other than these six bales, I had nothing to do with it, + know nothing about it, in any capacity, official or otherwise.
As to the terms which Chiles + the freedmen in his emply, worked in 1866, + the terms upon which Durham for himself, or as the agent of Curran + Co made advancements - if he made any - to said Chiles + freedmen, thow he was to be re-imbursed + what control he was to have over the crop, or what disposition he made of the crop, or of its proceeds, - these were all matter of private