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Mobile, Aug. 19. 1867
Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]] Dr Sir,
I have been waiting your return to Montgomery, to address you on an important subject, viz: the Educational interests of this City & County. This is the time of the year when the Board of School Commissioners make their arrangements for the ensuing School year. The only buildings within the control of the Board, are the Barton Academy, and one small building in the western front of the City. To supply additional accommodations, buildings have heretofore been rented to meet the wants of the School. This being an expensive arrangement, and attended with other difficulties, an act was passed by the Legislature in 1866, authorising the Board to issue Bonds to the Amount of $100,000~ for the purpose of procuring funds to erect School buildings, purchase apparatus +c. These Bonds were put upon the Market last year but could not be negotiated, and no attempt has since been Made to dispose of them. I enclose a copy of the Act authorising them to the issued, and also, the opinion of M. Gazzam, Presd. of the First National Bank, as to their soundness.