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Just up, and in a short time have flourishing school, in which all classes can be taught.
The place contemplated is, for the Board of School Commissioners to have, as heretofore the supervision & control of all the Schools, appoint the teachers &c. The Schools for Colored pupils, to have local trustees on Committee Men, who will report to the Board their condition & wants in this way all the Schools can go on with perfect harmony. And in a short time, the prejudice against educating colored people, will pass away. But I have not time to enlarge. The rules & regulations of the Board, have been sent to the Supt of Education at Montgomery, & we learn from him that some $12.000, are now, in  the hands of the Freedmen's Bureau, intended for School buildings in this city, with the probability of an increase of some $6.000 more. If this fund could be placed at the disposal of the Board, it would be of great immediate service, - And then, if we can negotiate the Bonds, there will be no obstacle in the way of our soon having school accommodation for all the children in the City & county,
I would therefore solicit your influence, in aid of this object, and would be thankful for any information or suggestions you make on the subject, and at as early a date as practicable. I have written hurriedly, and