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Lafayette Chambers C H Ala
Sep 26th 1867

Maj. Gen. O. O. Howard
United States Commissioner

[[seal]] The National Archives of the United States [[/seal]] Sir
In loking over the papers I saw your name and felt impressed with the idea that your position might enable you to do something for the poor sick and suffering Colored people in our vicinity something must be done, if possible for their benefit, something to alleviate their extreme wants in times of sickness if at no other time.
If I apply to the people here they will readily tell me they had no hand in placing them in the condition they are now in and they will have no hand in curing the sick and feeding the hungry.  The white people there say the colored people are all Republicans or Radicals as they term them, and say they must apply to them in their distress.  But the poor ignorant downtroden creatures know nothing about who to apply to for relief.  The physicians say they will not attend them without remuneration the colored people have no means to pay them and therefore they languish and die for want of proper attention.