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Newbern Al.
Hale County, 13th Nov 1867

Majr Genl Waqer Swaine
Dr Sir.
A man by the name of Thompson, who is teaching a Freedman School in this place, resists the execution of a warrant issued by me yesterday, on an affidavit made by one H.T. Herren, that he - Thompson, assaulted him with a pistol and kicked him. He is supported in his resistance by a member of Negroes. I deemed it prudent not to order his arrest at all hazards, and send you this note asking instructions, as I shall take no further action until I hear from you. The civil authorities are powerless here without proceeding to extreme measures, which we at this time deem improper.

I am urged by the people here to press most strenuously their application for a Garrison at this place, which they now make though me. They desire it immediately for such is the state of feeling between the races that we know not what a day may bring forth.

I refer you to Messrs Blackford & Whelan delegates to the convention from this county.

Very Respectfully
WT Hendon
Justice of the Peace   

Transcription Notes:
Not sure about the delegates names.