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consists, not in a single case of cohabitation (which is the most that was proved even by the testimony of the boy Henry), but [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] living to-gether as man and wife - hence the language of the Old Code (3231): "If a man and woman live together in adultery or fornication, each of them, on first conviction, must be fined one hundred dollars, &c."

The Constitution of the State declares that every person must have the right of trial by jury, and yet the bond necessary to take an appeal may, at the option of the Officer requiring it, be made so exorbitant that not a cold man in this Co. could give it. This is not an exception but the rule; thus, are not colored people as a class of citizens denied the right of trial by jury?

I am, Colonel,
Very Respectfully
Your obd't. Serv't
Jno. A. HArt
Act. Sub Ass't. Com'r.