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shown every disposition to act fairly & impartially, & especial attention is called to his letter to Lt Whiting, He has once adjudged the case himself & the Plaintiff being dissatisfied it was referred to the jury upon his own suggestion & forwarded to the Bureau He afterwards reduced the evidence to writings & held the money for months awaiting the action of that Department, & turned it over not until he had been informed by the agent of Colvin that the matter was at an end & he was proposed to pay cash And so with Mr. Grant, he waited patiently until he thought he had the perfect right to receive the money, & now after receiving it he could not pay it back except at the greatest inconvenience he being a very poor man.
You will please pardon me for troubling you about a matter of not very much importance, but as you are in the City & convenient to the offices of the Bureau I thought I would set out the facts to you, that you might represent the matter to them for me By giving the matter your earnest attention & securing immediate action refer the same you will greatly oblige
Yours Very Truly
John W. Gardner