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were sent from that office during the month of December 1866. In the month of December last Col Callis bought Coal and Wood to the amount of two hundred and nine dollars & ninety six cents (209.96) 

There are but three (3) fires in the Superintendents office and six (6) or seven (7) in the hospital.
Col Callis pays six (6) dollars a piece for coffins, and three dollars for digging a grave. 

The Postage Account amounts to ten ($10.00) dollars per month at present. I called for a detailed statement of the amounts paid last month but could not obtain it.
Lieut C. D. Jennings nominally on duty in the office of the Superintendent at Huntsville, is of no service whatsoever to Col Callis. He is acting as Post Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence. As there are three other Officers on duty with the troops at that place, I would respectfully recommend, that Lt Jennings be relieved from his present duties by one of the Officers of the Company sationed there and that he be assigned to duty as Asst Supt at some other point or be discharged the service.

Before proceeding to this place I had learned that Bvt Major J. W. Jones,  had been relieved from duty at this station, and ordered to proceed to Huntsville. Maj Jones was still at this place when I arrived there. The only Books that I could find in his Office were a Register of the Freedmen who had entered into contract and a Cash-Book.

Major Jones received for registration of contracts from February 1866 to January 31st 1867 two hundred and ninety one dollars and