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Washington D.C Mar 24'67
Kinsman, O.D.

States that the school estimate was approved in full.  Mr. Buckley's report was referred to Genl Alvord.  The fund derived in each state from sales of rebel property is to be devoted to teachers in that State, & these may be employed at discretion, and paid out of that fund.  The appropriation for schools is to be the same as last year.  Howard could say little about the Peabody fund: had suggested that it be Normal schools.

In reference to the practical working of Bureau matters under the Military Bill, Gen Howard had suggested that Ass't Commrs should report thro' military commanders, which was declined.  Thinks the volunteer officers will remain as volunteer officers while the Bureau lasts, or until Gen Howard recommends their muster out.  Gen Sewell thought that Dr Kipp would be indefinitely continued.  Thinks a few civilians may be engaged at $150 per month.  Details progress in his private business - and adds that en Howard is greatly exercised at the distribution of food by disloyal persons.  The strictly loyal only should be appointed, and if necessary to that end the test oath should be used.