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Office Sup't R., F. & A. L.,
Sub-District Huntsville. 
Huntsville, Ala., March, 6 1866

J. Edwards Esq.
Duck Springs
DeKalb Co Ala.


Some days ago your letter was received requesting that rations would be shipped to your County via Rome Ga. and down the Cross river. I replied the same day promssing to ship March rations and send them the mule requested by you.  Accordingly we have this day shipped you via Rome Ga. 50 bbls. pork and 288 boxes hard bread and, in a few days, will ship the balance of the rations.  In my letter of 2d. inst. I said I would send you 10.106 rations, in place of that I am sending you 19.406 rations, which will, by proper management, feed the destitute for March and April and thus save a shipment in April.  You will, however, carefully report your March issue at, or before, the end of the month so that by the first of the suceeeding month we may