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Greenville Alabama
January 8 May 1866

Maj OD Kinsman
Supt Bureau RF and AL
Montgomery Ala

Mr Rebholtz late 1st Lieut 178th NY Vol a german about 35 years of age who has been in business at this place for some time has sold out his interest in a store at this place and wishes a situation as clerk in some Dept of the Bureau.
From my acquaintance with Mr Rebholy I believe him to be a man of considerable ability and could be relied upon as regards honesty & c. If you should wish the services of such a man I take pleasure in recomending him to you

I am Sire Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J F McGogy
Agt B. RF and AL

Transcription Notes:
Reopened to correct name and military info.