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The evidence elicited was as follows:
Judy was employed with McCann as house servant cook, washer, & sewer. Incidents occurred which led Mr and Mrs McCann to suspect Judys integrity. [[strikethrough]] On [[/strikethrough]] Late in the afternoon of 12th July Mrs. McCann after fastening the doors of her house, and enjoining a small white child (the only person at the house except Judy) to "take notice of Judy" left her premises for a few minutes to accompany a neighbor visitor to her home but a short distance from her (Mrs. McC's) house.
(Previous to this, the key to a trunk in which Mrs. McC had kept her valuables, was missed from its place of deposit, and Judys was [[strikthrough]] strongly [[/strikethrough]] suspected of having said key in her possession; but another key was obtained for the trunk, and the most valuable contents taken therefrom.) Upon her return home, Mrs McCann questioned the little girl and learned that Judy had been in the house. Soon after the evening meal Judy asked permission to go to the house of a neighbor, which was granted; when she left, soon after her leaving it was discovered that she had taken her clothing &c with her. Mrs McCann suspecting something wrong examined contents of the trunk and found sundry articles missing. Mr McCann immediately went in pursuit of Judy, and in a short time found her with her bundle: and upon examination the key of the trunk, and the missing articles were found upon her person, and in her 

Transcription Notes:
. [?] signals trouble identifying word (Note: if you read instructions these will tell you to use [[?]] when you cannot transcribe a word, and then you don't have to make things up)