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State of Alabama
County of Talladega }SS

Personally appeared before me, Wm. H. Thornton, Judge Probate Talladega County, J.F. McGogy, late 1st Lieut 50th USA Col'd Inf Bvt Capt, Sub Asst Commissioner, Sub Dist of Talladega, who after being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says, that on the night of the 11th of July 1867 at Oxford, Calhoun County, Ala, while in discharge of official duty, was stolen one bay horse, his, JF McGogy's, individual property, which he J.F. McGogy, had purchased of M. Solomon, at Talladega Ala the 12th of May, 1867, for the sum of ($175) one hundred and seventy five Dollars, he also states that while in discharge of official duty on the 10th of July 1867, one horse, the property of the US. for which said J. F. McGogy, was responsible died. No other Government horse was available, in view of complying with Orders, dated Hdqrs Dist of Alabama, Montgomery Ala. June 23rd 1867. he exposed his individual property, also states, that he at once employed (3) three mounted detectives at $5.00 pr day, for (4) four days (being $60.00), HIs official duties requiring his immediate attention, he proposed to liberally reward any one, for the arrest, and securing of the thief, also for the recovery of the horse he would pay one half of the value of the said horse at the time of his recovery. Two experienced