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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands. 
Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 17th 1867. 

Bvt. Brig. Gen. C.C. Sibley, U.S.A. 
Asst. Comr. B.R.F & A.L. 
State of Georgia, 
Atlanta, Ga. 

I have the honor to respectfully request information as to what action has been taken in regard to my applications for Ellen Cole for the recovery of her two (2) children, Mary Ann, and Moses, aged fourteen (14) & sixteen (16) years; who are held by James Young of Chamber County, Ala. He had these children bound to him after being notified by Mrs. Hunnicut of this city, that the father would come after them. This application was made and forwarded on the 29th day of July 1867.

Very Respectfully, 
Your Most Obedt. Servt. 
Fred Mosebach
Bvt. Maj. U.S.V. 
& Sub Asst. Comr.