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yard or ambulance all night, went on the streets and proposed to citizens to join him in speculating or swindling the Bureau out of a large hospital fund, which he claimed to have control of, riding about the streets of town and country with women which have been proceeded against, for living in adultory with colored men. There is no necessity for one man of this character to be allowed to trample upon the dignity of all other employees of the Bureau or Government. I have made known these facts to Hdqrs some time since and do not make these statements for my own gratification but I am prepared to substantiate them by others.
I will assume to await your reply to this before taking any action and yours of 20th ulto. and if you do not with to make any inquirees respecting the prudence and wisdom of my actions, I will cheerfully comply with your desires.
I am, Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your obdt servt
C F McGogy
Sub Asst. Commssr.