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Camden, Ala
September 23rd, 1867

Gen. Swayne

Dear Sir:

I hereby make application to you, to be appointed as agent for the Freedmans Bureau in this County.  There is no Bureau here, and I would be glad of the appointment, if it comports with your wishes.  For the last five years I have favored freedom, and sympathised strongly with the Republican party, and I am now doing what I can for the election of that ticket in this County, and do not feel that my life is safe, or at least would be safe if some rebels had "this opportunity" _______  If you should be pleased to confer this office upon me; could you not wave the taking of the "List Oath" as was done some time since by Judge Smith in appointing me as Registrar for Marengo County.  That office I feel I have filled with profit & satisfaction to the Colored people of Marengo.  As to tests of loyalty I believe that my sufferings for "the cause" during the war, and my firm adherence to the Republican party since the war are sufficient.  The reason why I ask for this office is that I am a poor man, in debt, and the rebels here neither patronize or notice me, as that.  I can