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Copied from the Democratic Watchtower.
Published in Talladega Ala Wednesday. 6th May 1863.

Two suggestions in this connections may be indulged both within government province and the individual, mercy and justice of the Citizens whose homes have been invaded and whose wrights have been outraged; First let every mother's son of the 200 Tory Alabamans reported captured with the Yankee invaders be hung higher than Alabamans without the benefit of clergy as a partial punishment for the enormity of their crimes and a wholesome lesson to all future traitors. Secondly, and most important of all, let the Government distribute among the citizens or unprotected districts likely to be invaded a portion of its surplus arms, and an adequate supply of amunition and our word for it, they will be able to protect themselves from all future depredations.

The above aludes to the capture of Col Streight and his comdg. Cherokee County May 1863.
J. F. McGogy