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Freedmen's Hospital 
Garland, Ala. 
Dec. 1st 1867. 

Mr. John A. Hart.
Actg. Sub Asst. Comm'r B.R.F. & AL
Greenville, Ala. 

I have the honor to request that transportation be furnished to Charlotte Graves, and her four (4) children, (dependant freedmen.) from Garland, Ala. to Tuskegee, Ala.  

Her father, Frank Graves, resides at the latter place, and promises to provide for Charlotte and her children, providing, she can procure transportation to Tuskegee. 

I am, Sir, 
Very Respectfully 
your obedt. Servt.  
J. W. Mooar 
actg. asst. Surg. U.S.A. 
in charge.