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Freedmen's Hospital 
Garland, Ala. 
Dec 14th 1867. 

Bvt. Lt. Col. Charles J. Kipp. Surg. U.S. Vols. Surgeon-in-Chief of the District of Alabama. Montgomery, Ala. 

I have the honor to report that there are two patients in this hospital from Wilcox Co. Ala. that are proper subjects for the Poor House. One by reason of Old Age - the other Imbicility. 

The County Seat of Wilcox Co. is about Sixty (60.) miles distant from here. Therefore I would respectfully inquire what dispositions should be made of them and how accomplished. 

I am, Colonel, 
Very Respectfully, 
your obedt. Servt. 
Jacob W. Mooar
Actg. Asst. Surg. U.S.A.
in charge.