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does not know the findings and sentence in his case.

That the company "A" to which he was last ordered was mustered out Oct. 11th 1866 and he was placed in "F" Co. of the same Regt. and that with this last named company he was mustered out Oct. 15th 1866: that he was mustered for pay four times (does not recollect the dates) and only received pay for his first muster (at Fort Zaro Kansas August 1865. with his Co. "C")

That he has no proof beyond the enclosed Discharge, of his statement and also that he never has received any   bounty.

If Weed is entitled to anything from the U.S. please send the proper blanks, and any necessary suggestions in the case.

I am, Sir,
Very Respectfully
Your Obedt. Servt.
Wm H. H. Peck
Capt. Vet. Res. Corps
Asst. Supt.