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No. 37 Freedman beaten and choked and threatened with death if he resisted in Northport in October. 
No. 38 Freedgirl taken forcibly from her relatives by armed white men Foster's Settlement in November.
No. 39 Three Freedmen whipped by white men near Tuscaloosa in December. 
No. 40 Freedman called out of his employers house at night and threatened with death by mounted white men near Northport in December. 
No. 41 Freedman driven off by his employer and threatened with death if he returned near Tuscaloosa in December. 
No. 42 Freedman threatened with death on presenting an order for his own child near Tuscaloosa Ala. Dec. 
No. 43 Freedman's gun taken from him and broken over his back by a white man in Union Green County in January. 
No. 44 Freedboy beaten by his employer's son on coming on the place, in Tuscaloosa in [[Feb/67?]]
No. 45 Freedmen's religious meetings broken up in two houses by the throwing of brick bats by armed white men in Tuscaloosa in October.
No. 46 Freedman's gun taken from him by armed white men near Tuscaloosa in Dec. 

True extracts from the records of the office Asst. Supt. B. of R.F. and A.L.

Transcription Notes:
Feby/67 in the text should be verified if it means February/67