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Officer Asst. Subt. B. of. RF. and A.L.
Tuscaloosa Ala. February 9th 1867.

O. D. Kinsman
Montgomery Ala.

Two communications relative to abandoning Tuscaloosa as a Bureau Station, and one relative to the decision of a Board in the case of J.C. Pecks salary, all of the 1st inst. were received at this office on the 7th inst.

Your communications of the 4" and 23" ults have not been received.

It would be well to authorize a party - who has the interests of the freedmen more in view, than any Civil Officer within my jurisdiction - to act as Agent of the Bureau here; many Justices of the Peace do, and will give freedmen their rights, but without the countenance of a Govt agent they are timid, I think a few cases brought before a U.S. Commissioner under the Civil Rights Bill, would produce a desirable result, in this connection.

Generally since my arrival at this station and altogether, recently I have endeavored to teach