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freedmen to apply to magistrates for redress in cases of difficulty, and to report back the result of such application; This course is already being pursued by them with fair results.
The ill treatment visited upon freedmen of this District by their employers during last year, has driven large numbers of them (The freedmen) from this section of the State - and I think Planters are beginning to realize the situation, and will probably out of purely selfish motives, modify, if not change public sentiment to the benefit of this class of people.  White citizens are interfereing in behalf of worthy freedmen, against the employers of the latter in many instances, which act was considered degrading not many months since.
I have no reasons to state why this Bureau station should not be abandoned for that of Talladega, unless what I have written is deemed such,

I am, Sir.
Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt. Servt
Wm. H. H. Peck
Capt. Vet. Res. Corps.
Asst. Supt.