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[[left margin]] Willis Brooks Colored [[/left margin]]

Willis Brooks being Sworn stated that he was not present when Leonard Hart was sold dont know whether Leonard Hart was sold or hired. He heard it read out that Leonard Hart was to be sold or hired, heard Dr. Golden read the advertizement, but dont know whether the advertizement read for Leonard to be sold or hired, but thinks to the best of his recollection, that it was to hire.

[[left margin]] Cross Ex. [[/left margin]] 

Cross examined by Defts 
Was present at the trial. that Leonard Hart was charged with violating his contract. Heard Mr. Brooks say that it was a hard case to punish Leonard Hart, but from the oath Mr. Garnett took, he was obliged to convict him, but did not believe that Leonard ought to be punished, but from the laws & Mr Garnett oath, he would have to punish Leonard, or do away with the oath of Mr Garnett he has known, Mr. Brooks seven years and that Mr Brooks has never as he knows been prejudiced against his race or mistreated them, Says that Leonard was hired or sold at the Court ground, that witness was not there, that he lives at J.R. Brooks and when he went to dinner & came back it was represented to him that Leonard was sold