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or hired.
Willis his X mark Brooks

[[left margin]] Jeff Wright [[/left margin]]

Jeff Wright, being sworn stated, that Leonard Hart was arrainged before Mr Brooks and himself for violating his contract that he was one of the Justices. And that Mr. Garnett proved that Leonard Hart had violated his contract, and that Leonard acknowledge violating Mr Garnetts orders, the Court decided that Leonard Hart was to be hired for 30 days. That he & Brooks agreed at last upon the case, but did not agree at first. made their decisions under the Vagrant law. Judgt. was entered by Mr Brooks for Leonard to be hired for 30 days. The proceedings were had in [[Chansehatchee?]] Beat No 2, Mr Brooks ordered the hiring to take place & the order was Executed by Bailiff Rutherford. The hearing was ordered under the Vagrant Act approved December 15th 1865. 

[[left margin]] Cross Ex [[/left margin]]

Jeff Wright Cross Examined by Defts
When setting upon the case had no knowledge of the repeal of the Vagrant law. Never saw nor heard of Gen. Orders No 3. issued by Gen Swayne dated April 16th 1867 until last Sunday the 28th day of April -