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days, that he hired him did not buy him, that the hiring was for cash $7.80. but did not pay the cash 
H C Dorris

[[left margin]] Jas Lightfoot [[/left margin]] 

James Lightfoot

James Lightfoot being sworn stated that on last Monday he informed Mr Brooks that there was an order repealing the Vagrant law. Mr Brooks then said he would release Leonard from the Judgt & told Mr Brooks it was repealed the 16th day of April 1867 Mr Brooks then wrote out Leonard release & showed it to Witness which was Monday morning about 8 O'Clock. Mr Brooks said he did not know it until then that there was such an order. Witness never saw the order until Sunday & had no knowledge before that of the repeal of the Vagrant act and in Witness opinion Mr Brooks did not know of the order until he told him says he takes no paper & there is no paper taken in his neighborhood that he knows of. That he thinks the Judgt was $50.00 fine or to be hired for thirty days. dont recollect hearing the negro say "that he preferred being