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Girard Ala. May 11 1867
Bvt. Lt. O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst Comm'r
Montgomery Ala.

I have the honor in accordance with your letter of instructions to report that I visited Opelika Ala, and conversed with Judge Reed (Probate Judge), Mayor Benson, George Mutch teacher Col'd School, and Daniel Norwood (Col'd).
The white men named represented, that nothing in regard to the matter I am directed to look into had occurred in their community - unless it might be the acts of a gang of horse thieves - who they say are the terror of property owners and cannot be caught by the civil authorities.
Judge Reed wishes to know whether Gen'l Swayne desires the law making - The act of hiring a man who is already under contract. a Penal offense - enforced?
The colored man states that two Blacks have been killed near Opelika, and complains