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before being acted upon at Head Quarters.

The Communication he received from Head Qrs, he carries around in his pocket, states he has Genl Swayne's letter, that I have been beaten at my own fountain head, that my time is short here, that Genl. Swayne has removed me, and, to a stranger, it would appear that he Wright would be my successor.

Yesterday evening July 19th Mr. Wright called for me at my Office door, I was engaged in my private room at the time as soon as I was at liberty I entered the Office met Mr. Wright, and asked him what he wanted. He asked me to step outside with him, and stated that he was informed I had told a "Negro" to give him the Contents of his pistol if he (Wright) asked him for his pistol, I remarked that was a queer question, denied I had told a "Negro" anything of the kind, turned on my heel, and returned to my private room.

In half an hour after Mr. O'Connor, clerk in this office (whose hearing is defective) came in from supper, and stated that himself, and Wright had an altercation, that Wright stated, those, (meaning O Connor and myself) in the Office should leave here, and return to New England — that We were "scoundrels," and that if he, came out he would lick him. Immediately afterwards several Freedmen came in who corroborated