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Mr Hill further states, that the town council of Eutaw held a meeting, resolving to put down the convening of Members of the Union League at all hazards, and that in his opinion there probably will be a conflict between the Whites and the Freedmen, unless the Military will interfere

Upon this information I addressed a letter to the Mayor & common council of Eutaw,   informing them that, as the meeting above referred to, could not come under the provisions of Par IV of Genl. Ord No 25 from Hd Qr 3d Mil. Dist, it being a private meeting, but that Par VI of the same order made it their the civil authorities duty, to protect all persons in their rights and privileges etc; and to take all precautions, to prevent the invasion of such rights, and that, unless the meeting should become disorderly or unlawful, it would then only be the duty of the authorities to suppress them, but not before
I am Colonel
Very respectfully
Your Obt Servt
C W Pierce
Bvt Maj & Sub Asst Com