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Hale County Ala. Dec 2nd 1867

General Wager Swayne
Montgomery Ala 

I have the honor to state to you that several weeks ago I received a Note from Captain G.A. Farrand Agt of the Bureau at Greensboro, requesting me to call at his Office and make answer to certain complaints which had been made to him by one or more of the Freedmen in my Employ. I immediately repaired to his Office and invited him to visit any Plantation and make an investigation which he complied with and he also made the final settlement between the Freedmen and myself. He made a careful and accurate estimate of all the crops produced, from actual measurement and weights and allotted to the Freedmen their portion of all the crops produced in accordance with our Contracts; during the settlement which was entirely harmonious and satisfactory to all parties he exhibited an active and earnest interest on behalf of the Freedmen, evincing that spirit of honor and charity which so peculiarly characterize him as a gentleman of highest moral and christian integrity. His zeal while at my Place was active and devoted, availing himself of every opportunity for offering to them the most wholesome precepts and valuable lessons of advice for their moral and social advancements. 
Captain G.A. Farrand is a gentleman of honor and integrity, and he has the most zealously and faithfully contributed the resources of his cultivated mind, blended with the true christian