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charity of his heart entirely for the advancement and success of the good work to which he has devoted himself. I am convinced that the Review of his past private History accompanied by its pure and cultivated associations and the thorough investigation and analasis of his Official term will never permit one single stain to blemish the social or Official escutcheon of Capt G.A. Farrand.
I have just learned that a communication has been submitted to you, prejudicial to him; and only a desire to perform and active of Justice to a gentleman and patriot has induced me, General, thus to claim your attention. I know that an investigation will only add another measure to the claims of this gentleman and patriot. 
I most respectfully refer you, for information relative to my character, to Dr. H.L. Blackford B.L. Whilon, Chas Hays members of the Ala state convention and convened at Montgomery, to my Father in Law Judge F.L. Hammond of Huntsvile, and to the Hon. J.Q. Smith and to W.Q. Smith.
I have no Land interest in this section as I shall remove to Huntsville in a few days, to my permanent Home.

I have the honor to be General,
Most respectfully Your Obdt Servt
B.J. Curry