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May the 9 1867

State of Alabama Carlbert County

Geineral Swain ser I grant myself the opetunity of riting you a few lines to satisfy my one mind and to let you know som thines that i that prohapts you did not an to satisfy my mind and prohaps a profit to you I am the wife of R.C. Rogers and he was a younited State soldier capurd by the rebes an was cild I have bin draing rashians at Mr. grans comiasary an ther had not bin any thing to draw for some time car is bining cars an hard to git I was tacing to Mr. Janes leagans an he told me that ther was caran a plenty for all the woman an children so last tusday, I went to Tuscumia an tha told me that the corn a was of at Mr. worans so I went an asked him a bout the corn an he asked me if I was soldier wido I told him that I was he wanted to know what coind of a soldier I told him that he was a feddrel soldir an he sed that the corn was

Transcription Notes:
Many misspelled words in document.