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The State of Alabama 
Conecuh County 

Before Me John M Henderson Judge of the County Court in the 
County & State aforesaid, this day came Raford Jones a freedman, who being duly sworn deposes and says that one Johnson whose christian name is unknown to affiant - James Patrick, Joshua Price and five other persons whose names are unknown to affiant, but are all bridge hands on the Ala & Fla R Road, save said Johnson, who is the overseer or section master of said hands - did on the 16th day of May 1867, arrest him without any warrant, and place a rope or large twine string around his neck and hung him up to a tree, three different times on the same day, and affiant further states, that on the same day (the 16th) the said Johnson James Patrick, Joshua Price, and the five other persons whose names are unknown to the deponent, did take the deponent and tie his hands behind him and place him 
upon the ground near the Rail Road track, and place a number of crop ties around his person and set them on fire, and that his life was only saved by the interference of one of the hands or laborers in the employ of the said Johnson, and whose name is not mentioned above.
Raford his X mark Jones 

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 20th day of May 1867
John M Henderson