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And the Court does there sentence him, Brevet Major Joseph S. York, Captain 15th U.S. Infantry, "To be suspended from rank for three months, to forfeit to the United States his pay proper for the same period, and to be reprimanded in orders by the General commanding the Department."
The proceedings and findings in the case of Brevet Major Joseph S. York, Captain 15th Infantry, are approved. The sentence is confirmed and will be carried into effect, except that portion requiring him to be "suspended from rank for three months," which is hereby remitted. He will be released from arrest and returned to duty with his company.
Obedience to orders is the first and most important duty of a soldier. This should be learned upon the very theshold of the profession, and every officer sees the necessity of it. No officer can command until after he knows how to obey. It is a fact, no less true than lamentable, that the record in this case shows that Brevet Major York is ignorant of his first duty. The Major General commanding indulges the hope that the lesson he now receives may make a lasting impression upon him, and that he too, may, in the future, realize the importance and necessity of obeying the orders of the officers appointed over him. He will be released from arrest and restored to duty.
4th, Brevet Captain Samuel R. Honey, 1st lieut. 33d Infantry
Charge- Misapplication of public duty

  Specification - In this, that Brevet Captain Samuel R. Honey, 1st Lieut. 33d Infantry, being on duty at Fort Gaines, Ala., did, without an authority of law or regulation, sell a quantity of iron, to-wit: about three (3) tons of scrap iron, about fifteen (15) tons of railroad iron, and one steam boiler, the whole being of the value of about five hundred dollars ($500), the property of the United States, and did misapply the funds, the proceeds of said sale, by turning the same over to companies stationed at Fort Gaines, Ala., as company funds. This at Fort Gaines, Ala., on or about the 10th day of July, 1866.
To which Charge and Specification the accused pleaded "Not Guilty."

Of the Specification, "Guilty," except the words "about fifteen tons of railroad iron."
Of the CHARGE, "Guilty."

And the Court does therefore sentence him, Brevet Captain Samuel R. Honey, 1st Lieut. 33d Infantry, "To make good to the United States the sum of five