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hundred dollars ($500), the value of the property misapplied, and to be reprimanded in orders by the General commanding the Department."
The proceedings and findings in the case of Brevet Captain S. R Honey, 1st Lieut. 33d Infantry, are approved. The testimony does not show the exact amount received by the accused for the articles sold. The sentence is confirmed, with the understanding that the said amount only shall be made good. This amount will be collected by the commanding officer 33d U.S. Infantry, and turned over to the Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands for Alabama, in accordance with Executive Order of November 11th, 1865.
The conduct of Brevet Captain Honey cannot be too strongly condemned. It is true, he received no personal benefit from this unauthorized sale, and that he had the consent of his commanding officer to sell the old iron, yet an officer of Brevet Captain Honey's intelligence should have known that his commanding officer had no authority ta authorize the sale of property which clearly belonged to the United States. Brevet Captain Honey will be released from arrest and restored to duty.

II. The General Court Martial of which Colonel O.L. SHEPHERD, 15th Infantry, is President, and Brevet Lieutenants Colonel E. McK. HUDSON, 15th Infantry, Judge Advocate, is hereby dissolved.

Brev't Major General U.S.A.,
Assistant Adjutant General.