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Office Superintendent, District of Selma
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Selma, Ala., February 8th 1867

Major O.D. Kinsman
Montgomery Ala.

In compliance with your communication of the 1st inst. I forward herewith a list of Murders, murderous assaults and outrages upon Freedmen committed since January 1st 1866, that have been brought to my knowledge.

There have been many assaults that I have not mentioned for the reason that I have not the names of the parties nor the dates of the assaults, as well as very many that go before the city courts here that I hear nothing of.

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Yr. Obt. Servant
Geo. Shorkley
1st Lieut 15th Infantry