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11 Freedwoman assaulted in Perryville beat, Perry Co. Seriously injured. December

12 Freedwoman severely beaten on the Cahaba road July.

13 Freedwoman, Assault, Perry County. September

14 Freedman five miles from Selma, Head Cut. September

15 Freedman near Benton Assault and battery October

16 Boy cruelly beaten by employer with brickbat and club. 5 miles from Selma October 

17 Freedwoman at Burnsville. Habitual beating starvation and other ill usage, reducing her to some idiocy. Complaint in November

18 Two freedmen assaulted beaten and robbed by proprietors of a plantation where they had come to attend meeting on Sunday. November. 

19 Houses of Freedmen broken into and searched without warrant, in Perry County. November

20 Same in Selma Several instances. December

21 Boy beaten and badly bruised in Selma, Jan 1867 by employer.

22 Boy kept in forcible possession and habitually misused, without indenture bonds or other rightful claim.

Murderous Assault:

Yesterday Feb. 7th/67 a freedman was shot at in Selma by his former employer on account of his asking for a settlement. The ball passed through and cut his coat just over the breast.