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Head-Quarters Sub-District of Selma.
SELMA, ALA., April 8th, 1867

Lieut. Jno. F. Conyngham
Asst. Adjt. General
Montgomery Ala.

I have the honor to state that on the 6th day of March 1867 I received a detail from the War Department of date February 21st 1867 which reads as follows- "In addition to his present duties First Lieutenant George Shorkley 15th. U.S. Infantry is hereby detailed on Recruiting Service for the 38th U.S. Infantry (colored) and will report by letter to Brevet Major General Hazen commanding Jefferson Barracks Mo. for instructions"

I reported in compliance with the order for instructions and am now in receipt of the same, which read in part, as follows. "The Bvt. Maj. Genl. Comdg directs that you open Branch Rendezvous at Mobile and Montgomery Ala" and encloses circular for further instructions in which it says. "The old system of sitting quietly at the Rendezvous and awaiting the uncertain appearance"

Transcription Notes:
quotation marks at the start and end of every line in the quote is likely meant to signify that it's all one quote, and the writer doesnt do it on the next one, so I didn't include them in this transcription