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Centre Ala,
22nd May 1867~
J F Conyingham, 1st Lut, 24th M, S.I, aaaG
Dear Sir


        In the matter of
N.J, Ward & Joseph Bates a Fred boy, I kno of no
such parties in this County, But I notified
N. C. Ward, who I Supposed with the man he
Came & produced the original contract of which
the enclosed is a true copy he also braugh a
letter from Capt M Davenport, one of his near
neighbors a good Farmer & of high standing
who Says that he know of the nasnul of the
Boy by Ward & he does not think that he treats him
improperly & that he feades him well.
I notified the two Bates [[cross out]] T R Camm[[/crossout]] they live
Six miles from ward JR, Came and Says that
it is a mistake about the Boy being loost but
in ditching that it was done in flatig
leyilier seeing the high Wallin, or that it was
So Stated by the boy, they all say that the boy
run off in April & Went to J R Bates & thus
Ward went took him home, Ward says this
he was willing to go But Bactes says he was
not, from all that I can ascertain the Report
made to you grew acct of the Statements of the 
boy while at Bates & from Rumours,
they all agree that the boy is Weak Minded
Lucul J Standefer
Judge of Probate