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Selma Ala June 11th 1867

Maj Genl Wager Swayne
Montgomery Ala

Dear Sir
Last spring (1866) while I was in this city on an inspection tour a most brutal and unprovoked murder was committed by one Williams, a white man, on a freedman. The circumstances were these. Williams was passing along the street, under the influence it is said of liquor, and meeting the freedman said to him "How would you like to have a ball put through you?" or words to that effect. The man replied that he had done nothing to be shot for, and passed on. Williams turned round and fired at him, inflicting a mortal wound. He was arrested and admitted to bail in a trifling amount by the Mayor. The man dying that night, Williams left the city. No attempt was made by the civil authorities to re-arrest him, but one of his bondsmen pursued, captured and brought him back. He was confined in jail until