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Head Quarters Sub. Dist of Selma
Selma Ala. June 20th 1867

Col. O.D. Kinsma
Sub. Asst. Comr
Montgomery Ala.

I have the honor to report that, upon the receipt of your communication of the 15th inst. ordering the arrest of Wm E. Parsons Jr. late clerk in the Q M. Dept of the Bureau at this place I sent Sergt Ide and one man of "B" Co 15th Infantry to make the arrest  they failed to do so reporting to me that Captain Groves clerks had informed Mr. Parsons and advised him to keep out of the way, and that he had evaded them. They were away all day and part of the night of the 18th.

I received your communication of the 17th inst, on the 19th, and having faild to make the arrest by the military I under your order, placed the matter in charge of the U.S. Commission and took out a warrant for Mr. Parsons arrest. He was arrested the same day or night and brought